When should you take action?

If you change jobs


If you change jobs

If you change jobs and move to a different pension scheme for that reason, you can transfer your pension to your new pension fund or insurer. What happens to your pension depends on the amount of pension you have accrued each year.

If you have accrued more than € 484.09 a year, it is up to you whether you take your pension with you to your new pension fund or insurer. This may be favourable, for example, if your new employer has a better pension scheme. Or perhaps you would like to have all your pensions with one administrator. If that is what you want to do, please contact your pension fund. If you do not wish to transfer your pension, no action is required on your part. Your pension will remain with Bpf MITT. If you would like help in making your choice, your financial adviser will be happy to assist.

If you have accrued less pension than € 484.09 and more than € 2.00 a year, and left the company after 1 January 2019, Bpf MITT will make sure your pension goes automatically to your new pension fund or insurer. Bpf MITT therefore checks annually at www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl whether you are accruing your pension with a new pension fund or insurer. If you do not have a new pension fund or insurer, your pension remains with Bpf MITT.

If you changed jobs after 1 January 2019 and you have accrued a pension of € 2.00 or less a year, you will not receive that pension. This amount falls to the fund in accordance with the statutory regulations.



Further information

More information about your old-age pension is provided in the pension regulations on the documents page of our website.